Beyond Good and Evil may be sub-titled as ‘Beyond Christianity’ - Nietzsche returns to pre-christian Roman and Greek ethics & wonders how these might be reconstituted for us today. Beyond Good and Evil is so hard to understand that Nietzsche had to write The Genealogy of Morals to explain what he was talking about. Having read both books I went further and listened to youtube lectures on these books. Nietzsche is misunderstood because his genius was too easily used by others to brew-up their own ideological poisons - notably the Nazis - who emerged 30 years after Nietzsche’s death. You can use Nietzsche's ideas to develop and set-out your own personal ideology and system of ethics - see BGE aphorisms 6 ['who he is'?], 8, 13 [will to power is N's deepest conviction], 186, 187, 188, 194. I might try doing this in an article on medium sometime. "The Recipe for becoming an individual."