This is why Brexit happened. Contempt towards those who voted to leave. Brexit became a referendum about immigration and democracy. Remainers have cheap immigrant labour waiting on them whilst leavers compete for these poorly paid British jobs. The better have much to gain from the EU but people at the bottom are hurt by wider and deeper labour markets. Vote Remain was a rich person's message - The Brexit vote wasn't about europe at all; people are sick of overcrowding, ridiculous house prices and the 'kettling' of cheap labour in lawless ghettos. The UK thought it could replace British people with migrants who are prepared to work for much less. Any fool can run a tin-pot country like this & that is what Britain has become. We are used to being waited on by the cheapest imported labour. We cannot imagine a world where our own young people have to be trained. Or where hard work is rewarded - in relation to the cost of a home for example. Decadent societies decline like this, Britain is no exception.